About Me

>>> Website.Owner.whoAmI
'I am §eamus Donahue. I love game design and programming. I code in mainly Python, Javascript, and Java. I mainly like to do projects that involve game development but I have been known to engage in other projects.'
>>> Website.Owner.story.start
'Growing up I grew a love for games. Not just new ones but old ones too! I loved many games and eventually decided it would be fun to figure out how they were made. This also came from my natural liking for game design. I would play a game I loved and would think "It would be cool if the developers did this" or "Someone should make a game where..." This led me to learning how to code.'
>>> Website.Owner.story.learning
'I started learning programming through Scratch, a website that allows you to code basic games through connecting intruction blocks together.
Eventually I was introduced the Python programming language by a friend I had in middle school. Although I barely grasped basic concepts like functions and if statements at the time, I still was having incredible fun making the most basic programs.
My brother then introduced me to the game engine Game Maker: Studio. This engine used a language similar to JavaScript in syntax and an object/event system which made creating complex game logic really easy. I even used Game Maker Studio two for a while afterwards.
However, around the time of early highschool I moved to frameworks like pygame for Python and a port of Java Processing for JavaScript. These would teach me much more about lower-level Object-Oriented-Programming and how to structure a program such as a game. This is also where I began learning Java. Java was useful for my highschool robotics team but it also allowed me to get started with Minecraft Forge mods. And that brings us to today! As of writing this, I am just making projects for fun while studying Computer Science in College!'


>>> Website.About.UpdatedLast
>>> Website.Owner.Experience.python
'I started learning Python in middle school around 2016-17, ever since then I have never stopped using the language and learning new things with it.
after a while building simplistic console basic apps, I learned how to use a library known as pygame'
>>> Website.Owner.Experience.javascript
'I started learning JavaScript around the latter half of my freshman year of high school.',
'I soon learned how to use a library called p5js which is a port of the Processing library from Java',
>>> Website.Owner.Experience.java
( 'I started learning Java toward the end of my senior year of high school. (around 2022-23)',
'I mainly used it for basic console based applications at first'
'When I had learned a sufficient amount, I became the primary programmer for the robotics team at my high school.',
'I then started learning the Forge API for Minecraft to create mods.',
'That\'s when I became a supporting developer on the Splatcraft project.'
>>> Website.Owner.Experience.splatcraft
'I entered the Splatcraft community as a normal user, but lent my help with the Minecraft command system for a testfire server they had up.
Eventually the host for the server had to stop hosting, but I still played a role as I started providing help directly to the developer of the mod
I have since provided enough help to be considered one of the main developers of the mod as I provided help with design, math, and algorithms
I now have a companion mod in development that will manage server-side functions for a server running Splatcraft that will manage matches between players,
a shop, splatfests (special events), and more.'